Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New study finds 7 in 10 Americans on at least one prescription drug,many of which can be deadly

(NaturalNews) A new study by the Mayo Clinic has confirmed what Natural News has been reporting and warning for years: Americans are becoming ever more dependent on prescription drugs. According to the study, nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug and more than half take two.

Study reveals the increased use of prescription drugs by Americans

The study found that 17 percent of those studied were prescribed antibiotics, 13 percent were taking antidepressants and 13 percent were on opioids. High blood pressure medications were the fourth most prescribed (11 percent) and vaccines were fifth (11 percent). With the exception of medications for high blood pressure, the drugs were prescribed to both men and women across all age groups.

Prescription drug use has increased steadily in the U.S. for the past decade. The percentage of people who took at least one prescription drug in the past month increased from 44 percent in 1999-2000 to 48 percent in 2007-08

Drug use increases with advancing age

Overall, women and older adults receive the most prescriptions. Women receive more prescriptions than men across several drug groups, especially antidepressants: Nearly 1 in 4 women aged 50-64 are on one or more antidepressants.

"As you get older you tend to get more prescriptions, and women tend to get more prescriptions than men," study author Dr. St. Sauver said.

The unhealthy consequences of commonly prescribed drugs


Recent year studies have revealed an increasing pattern of the potential harm antibiotics may cause. As CNN reported in March, the FDA warned that azithromycin, a popular antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections can cause abnormal and possibly fatal heart rhythms.

In July 2012, the Daily Mail reported that a class of powerful broad spectrum antibiotics called fluoroquinolones could cause alarming side-effects which included inflamed or ruptured tendon, chest pain, rapid heart beat, black outs, swelling, hot flushes, sweating, pancreatitis and tinnitus.

In May, 2011 Natural News reported that the antibiotic trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, which has been in wide use since l968, can cause serious adverse and even deadly reactions.


Last month, Natural News reported that the list of antidepressants that can cause sudden death is growing exponentially, citing a new study published in the British Medical Journal.

Also last month, health authority Byron Richards reported on a bombshell article by researchers from Canada and the U.S. which stated that commonly used SSRI antidepressants do far more harm than good.


Opiod pain killers are the most abused prescription drugs. In addition to addiction, opiods can cause cardiovascular problems and fatal seizures as well as paranoia, abnormal heartbeat, choking, changes in mood, decreased cognitive function, interruptions in the menstrual cycle, infertility and slowed breathing.

Blood Pressure Medications

As Natural News reported in September 2011, blood pressure medications do not increase life - they actually shorten it.


Vaccine dangers, including death, permanent disability and many others have been well documented at Natural News and other outlets, yet they continue to be widely prescribed and marketed by mainstream medicine. Not coincidentally vaccines have also been referred to as Big Pharma's number one cash cow.

Nature has safer and more effective answers

Sadly, most Americans are unaware of safer and more effective natural alternatives which, unlike unnatural mainstream medications which mainly manage symptoms, often actually correct and heal health conditions. However, you cannot patent and hugely profit from nature like Big Pharma does with their unnatural compounds - and thus we continue to see the increasing drugging of America and the resultant health consequences.

Sources included:

About the author:
"See more articles by Tony Isaacs"

Tony Isaacs, is a natural health author, advocate and researcher who hosts The Best Years in Life website for those who wish to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. Mr. Isaacs is the author of books and articles about natural health, longevity and beating cancer including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and is working on a major book project due to be published later this year.

Mr. Isaacs also hosts the Yahoo Oleandersoup group of over 2600 members and the The Best Years in Life Radio Show" on Wolf Spirit Radio.

Learn more:

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Big Food’s 9 dirty secrets you should know about

(NaturalNews) Last year, Big Ag and the food industry in general had successfully lobbied legislation in some states to prohibit undercover photos and videos from being taken of factory farming livestock scenarios and disallowed mainstream media outlets from receiving and displaying those photos or videos.

Fortunately, the outcry from many different sources, including mainstream media, First Amendment and food consumer activists, those “Animal Facility Interference” or “Ag Gag” laws were quickly repealed. Yet they are “creeping back,” according to a report onAlterNet.
Nine examples of what the public isn’t supposed to know

(1) Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH):It’s injected into cows to force more milk production. Monsanto created it by combining cow DNA and E. coli (really). Now Eli Lily owns it.

It infects cows’ udders, causing gross malformations and demands a plethora of antibiotic injections which furthers the creation of antibiotic resistant superbugs. It also leaves small amounts of pus in consumers’ milk.

For a few years, farmers who labeled their milk “no rBGH” were harassed with “legal actions” by Monsanto. That level of free speech has been halted, yet rBGH treated milk is not labeled.

(2) Toxic drugs in meat:The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has determined that meat inspectors lack the wherewithal to find certain toxic drug residues in meats from factory farming. Parasites and bacteria can be cooked out. Drugs and heavy metals can’t be cooked out.

(3) Gourmet meats:Calves are placed into tiny crates to prevent any movement then slaughtered before full maturity. Their muscles aren’t developed, so their tender meat is served as veal.

Despite images of geese and ducks with bleeding throats struggling to breathe and barely able to walk, force feeding fowl to create the bloated liver “delicacy” known as foie gras continues in the USA.

(4) Salmonella:The perpetrator of the most recent huge egg salmonella outbreak, Jack DeCoster, only had to recall a half-billion eggs after causing 1600 illnesses.

He wasn’t shut down or arrested or fined despite the atrocious disease potential conditions of hen houses that are common among egg producers, including Tyson Foods. Instead of creating better conditions, they just inject the hens with more antibiotics.

(5) Antibiotics:Speaking of antibiotics, 70 percent of existing antibiotics are injected into livestock. The consumed meat brings antibiotics into human bodies. Added to this factor is the overuse of antibiotics for humans. The result is more antibiotic resistance and superbugs such as MRSA.

(6) Extreme growth promoters:The EU doesn’t allow antibiotics or extreme growth promoters to be used on livestock. The USDA is all for it. Even arsenic is allowed to make chickens grow bigger, faster. Enjoy your chicken wings.

(7) HACCP:Stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. It actually restricts meat inspectors by leaving it up to the companies to assure the cleanliness and safety of their meats.

The inspectors come around to check on whether they’re doing the quality control methods those companies had proposed, yet they wind up having to look the other way as they push out contaminated meat.

(8) Mad Cow:It came, it went, and it’s back again according to the report posted onAlterNet. The EU banned beef imports from the U.S. when the first mad cow episode occurred.

Mad cow results from mixing cow parts in with cattle feed, causing the neurodegenerative disease bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) that can also contaminate humans.

(9) Cloned livestock:The FDA and USDA claim there is no difference between cloned and natural livestock, so it needn’t be labeled. This reasoning mimics GMO and rBGH non labeling issues. Monsanto really does control the FDA and USDA.

Sources for this article include:

Video (undercover) foie gras production:


Natural News
Read more at:

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Get fit with a five-day a week plan.The only difference between a 5-day workout of a man and woman is the amount of weight or repetitions you choose to do. The exercises and equipment remain the same. To get toned, keep your weight a little challenging--not too light and not too heavy--and perform 10 or more repetitions. Try to incorporate at least five abdominal exercises in each workout. You can do a set of 10 to 20 repetitions between each weightlifting exercise or can do them all at the beginning or end of your workout. Choose exercises such as crunches, leg lifts and bicycle crunches or use abdominal machines if available.

Day One

Start with an 8- to 12-minute warm-up. "Fitness: Theory and Practice" by the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America recommends a warm-up to raise the temperature of your core and to also prepare your muscles and joints for movements to follow.

Legs and biceps will be the muscles worked on Day 1.

Start off with squats because they incompass the biggest muscle you will be using in this workout. Any type of squat is fine--standing squats, smith machine, leg press, hack squat, or squat holding dumbbells. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions.

Follow squats with three sets of 10 repetitions with the following leg and bicep exercises:

Leg extensions
Leg curls
Standing calf raises
Barbell curls
Alternating dumbbell bicep curls--curl one arm at a time
Bicep cable curls--arms should be shoulder height and curl cable toward your head.

Complete workout with 20 to 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise.

Day Two

Start with 20 to 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 20 to 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three to five days per week. If you like, try alternating between different modes. For example, 10 minutes of the stationary bike, 10 minutes of the stair climber and finish with 10 minutes on the treadmill.

Chest and shoulders will be the muscles worked on Day 2. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions for each exercise. You may use barbells, dumbbells or the machine.

Pec flies
Incline bench press
Dumbbell pullovers
Overhead press
Front and side lateral dumbbell raises

Day Three

Interval train for your cardiovascular exercise--alternate between low and high intensities to raise and lower your heart rate. For example, jog two minutes and sprint 30 seconds or walk one lap and run one lap.

Back and triceps will be the muscles worked on Day 3. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions of each exercise.

Lat pull-downs or wide-grip pull-ups--bar is to the front of your chest
Cable rows
Dumbbell rows
Tricep pull-downs with rope
Tricep kick-backs with dumbbell
Seated dips

Day Four

Warm up for 8 to 12 minutes.

Legs and biceps will be worked on Day 4. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions for each exercise.

Lunges--10 each leg
Straight leg dead lifts holding dumbbells
Seated calf raises
Preacher curls

Complete workout with 20 to 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise.

Day Five

Start workout with 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise.

Chest, shoulders and triceps will be worked on Day 5. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions of each exercise. Use barbells, dumbbells or machines.

Flat bench press
Decline bench press
Alternating dumbbell forward raise
Overhead press
Overhead dumbbell extensions
Tricep kick-backs

Complete another 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ronnie Coleman Workout Routine

1.Monday – Back

  • Deadlifts 805lb Sets: 4- 6-12 reps

  • Barbell rows 585lb Sets: 3 - 10-12 reps

  • T-bar rows 585lb Sets: 4 - 10 @12reps

  • One-arm dumbbell rows 200lb - 3 sets 10-12 reps

  • Barbell curls 200lb Sets: 4 -12 reps

  • Seated alternate dumbbell curls 90lb @12reps

  • Cambered-bar preacher curls 150lb @ 12 reps

  • Standing cable curls 200lb @12reps

  • Military presses 315lb - 4 sets @10-12 reps

  • Seated dumbbell presses 170lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • superset with

  • Front dumbbell presses: 60lb - 4 sets @12reps

2.Tuesday - Legs

  • Squats: 800lb - 5-6 sets @ 2-12 reps

  • Leg presses: 2,500 lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • Parking-lot lunges: 315lb - 2 sets - 100 yards

  • Stiff-leg Deadlifts: 315lb -3 sets @12reps

  • Seated leg curls: 200 lb - 3 sets @12reps

3.Wednesday – Chest Focus

  • Bench presses: 500lb - 5 sets @12reps

  • Incline barbell presses: 405lb - 3 sets @12reps

  • Flat dumbbell presses: 200lb - 3 sets @12reps

  • Flat flyes: 130lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • Seated cambered-bar extensions: 215lb - 3 sets @12reps

  • Seated dumbbell extensions: 170lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • Close-grip bench presses: 350lb - 4 sets @12reps

4.Thursday – Back Focus

  • Barbell rows: 585lb - 5 sets - 10 @12reps

  • Pulley Rows: 400lb - 4 sets - 10 @12reps

  • Machine pull downs: 350lb - 3 sets - 10 @12reps

  • Front pull downs: 350lb - 3 sets - 10 @12reps

  • Incline alternate dumbbell curls: 90lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • Machine curls: 200lb - 3 sets @12reps

  • superset with

  • Standing cable curls: 200lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • Seated dumbbell presses: 170lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • Front dumbbell raises: 60lb - 3 sets@ 8 - 25 reps

  • Machine raises: 250lb - 3 sets @ 8 - 25 reps

5.Friday – Legs

  • Leg extensions: 300lb - 4 sets - 30 reps

  • Front squats: 585lb - 4 sets @12- 15 reps

  • Hack squats: 900lb - 3 sets @12reps

  • Standing leg curls: 125lb - 3 sets @12- 15 reps

  • Lying leg curls: 200lb - 4 sets

6.Saturday – Chest

  • Incline dumbbell presses: 200lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • Decline barbell presses: 500lb - 3 sets @12reps

  • Incline dumbbell flyes: 130lb - 3 sets @12reps

  • Decline dumbbell presses: 170lb - 3 sets @12reps

  • Lying cambered-bar extensions: 215lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • triset with

  • Machine dips: 360lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • triset with

  • Seated cambered-bar extensions: 215lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • Donkey raises: 450lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • Seated raises: 270lb - 4 sets @12reps

  • Crunches: 3 sets - failure

7.Sunday – OFF(REST)

- See more at:

Chris hemsworth Thor workout

Chris Hemsworth used a 4 day on, 1 day off training split:
  • Day 1 – Chest and Shoulders in the morning. Boxing and Abs in the evening.

  • Day 2 – Back and Arms in the morning. Boxing and Abs in the evening.

  • Day 3 – Surfing in the morning. Legs in the evening.

  • Day 4 – Abs and cardio in the morning. No evening workout.

  • Day 5 - OFF

Chest and Shoulders Workout

  • Dumbbell Flyes – 3 sets of 12, 10 and 8 reps

  • Barbell Bench Press – 3 sets of 12, 10 and 8 reps

  • Bent Over Lateral Raise – 3 sets of 15, 12 and 12 reps

  • Side Lateral Raise – 3 sets of 15, 12 and 12 reps

  • Arnold Press – 3 sets of 12, 10 and 8 reps

Back and Arms Workout

  • Chin Ups – 3 sets of 15, 12 and 10 reps

  • Deadlift – 3 sets of 10, 8 and 6 reps

  • Barbell Curl – 3 sets of 10, 8 and 6 reps

  • French Press – 3 sets of 10, 8 and 6 reps

Legs Workout – *Performed as a superset

  • Leg Extensions – 3 sets of 10, 8 and 6 reps

  • Leg Curls – 3 sets of 10, 8 and 6 reps

  • Squats – 3 sets of 10, 8 and 6 reps

Abs Workout – Performed on Days 1,2 and 4

Performed as a circuit. Repeat each circuit three times. Rest in between circuits.

  • Plank – 60 second hold

  • Side Plank – 60 second hold

  • Roman Chair Leg Raise – 20 reps

  • Cable Crunch – 20 reps

  • Oblique Crunch – 20 reps

Boxing Workout

  • Speed Bag – 5 rounds, 3 minutes each.

  • Focus Pads – 5 rounds, 3 minutes each.

  • Jump Rope – 5 rounds, 3 minutes each.

*Rest in between each round.

Nutrition And Supplements

A main priority for Chris Hemsworth was adding more daily protein. Protein staples for Thor included:

  • Steak

  • Egg Whites

  • Chicken

  • Fish

Carbohydrates were based on time of day.

  • Potatoes and rice were eaten earlier in the day.

  • Broccoli and spinach were eaten at night.

Chris Hemsworth relied on the following supplements:

  • Amino Acids prior to his workouts.

  • Whey protein post-workout.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Workout Routine

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 


Bench Press: 5 sets, 6-10 reps

Flat bench flies: 5 sets, 6-10 reps

Incline bench press: 6 sets, 6-10 reps

Cable crossovers: 6 sets, 10-12 reps

Dips: 5 sets to failure

Dumbbell pullovers: 5 sets, 10-12 reps


Front wide-grip chin-ups 6 sets to failure

T-bar rows: 5 sets, 6-10 reps

Seated pulley rows: 6 sets, 6-10 reps

One-arm dumbbell rows: 5 sets, 6-10 reps

Straight-leg deadlifts: 6 sets, 15 reps


Squats: 6 sets, 8-12 reps

Leg presses: 6 sets, 8-12 reps

Leg extensions: 6 sets, 12-15 reps

Leg curls: 6 sets, 10-12 reps

Barbell lunges: 5 sets, 15 reps


Standing calf raises: 10 sets, 10 reps

Seated calf raises: 8 sets, 15 reps

One-legged calf raises (holding dumbbells): 6 sets, 12 reps


Wrist curls (forearms on knees): 4 sets, 10 reps

Reverse barbell curls: 4 sets, 8 reps

Wright roller machine: 1 set to failure


30 mins of various exercises in non specific order

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday


Barbel Curls: 6 sets, 6-10 reps

Seated Dumbell Curls: 6 sets, 6-10 reps

Dumbell concentration Curls: 6 sets, 6-10 reps


Close Grip Bench Press: 6 sets, 6-10 reps

Pushdowns: 6 sets, 6-10 reps

Barbell French Press: 6 sets, 6-10 reps

One arm dumbell tricep extensions: 6 sets, 6-10 reps


Seated Barbell Press: 5 sets, 6-10 reps

Lateral Raises: 6 sets, 6-10 reps

Rear Delt Raises: 5 sets, 6-10 reps

Cable Lateral Raises: 5 sets, 10-12 reps

Calves, forearms, Abs

Same as Mon,Wed, Fri

You can arrange this exercises anyway that suits you best.

For example:

Monday:Chest/ triceps/abs

Tuesday:Back /biceps


Thursday:Legs and calves

Friday:Shoulders/ forearms


Arnold Schwarzenegger Nutrition And Diet Advice

This advice by Arnold Schwarzenegger is aimed at individuals who hard a hard time gaining weight.

  • 5-6 small meals per day.

  • Carbs within 30 minutes after a workout.

  • Train no more than 4 days per week.

  • Eat 30 to 50 grams of protein every 3 hours.

  • Use protein shakes to get in your daily protein if needed.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

4 Weeks To More Mass



ABarbell Back Squat4104-0-1-090 sec
B1DB Walking Lunge3123-0-1-060 sec
B2DB Step Ups3123-0-1-060 sec
C1Leg Extensions *3123-0-1-145 sec
C2DB Romanian Deadlifts *3123-1-1-045 sec
DLeg Press **12 min2-0-1-0-

* Perform a single drop set on the last set of these exercises. After getting all the reps in the last set, rest 10-15 seconds, drop the weight by 30% and get as many more reps as possible.

** Load a leg press with approx. 60% of your 1 RM. Set a timer for 2 minutes and try to get as many reps as possible. Really push yourself to get the maximum number of reps.


ABarbell Bench Press4104-0-1-090 sec
B1Single Arm DB Row3123-0-1-060 sec
B2Single Arm Incline DB Bench Press3123-0-1-060 sec
C1Seated Cable Row **3123-0-1-145 sec
C2Cable Chest Flye **3123-0-1-045 sec
DPush Ups ***1502-0-1-0-

* Perform the single arm version of the Incline DB Bench Press by pressing both dumbbells to the top position and lower them one-at-a-time in alternating fashion. Continue to alternate until you get 12 reps for each arm.

** Perform a single drop set on the last set of these exercises. After getting all the reps in the last set, rest 10-15 seconds, drop the weight by 30% and get as many more reps as possible.

*** Perform using as little intra-set rest as possible.



ASumo Deadlift4104-0-1-090 sec
B1Alternating Step Back Lunge3123-0-1-060 sec
B2Single-Leg Romanian Dealift3123-0-1-060 sec
C1Lying Hamstring Curl *3124-0-1-045 sec
C2Seated Calf Raise *3123-0-1-045 sec
DBarbell Back Squat **1202-0-1-0-

* Perform a single drop set on the last set of these exercises. After getting all the reps in the lsat set, rest 10-15 seconds, drop the weight by 30% and get as many more reps as possible.

** Perform one set of 20 Back Squats using a weight that's your usual 10 RM. You have to pause between reps.


ABarbell Military Press4103-0-1-090 sec
B1EZ-Bar Preacher Curl3124-0-1-060 sec
B2Dips3123-0-1-060 sec
C1Single-Arm Cable Lateral Raise **3123-0-1-145 sec
C2Standing Hammer Curls **3123-0-1-145 sec
DShoulder Tri-Set **1152-0-1-0-

* Perform a single drop set on the last set of these exercises. After getting all the reps in the lsat set, rest 10-15 seconds, drop the weight by 30% and get as many more reps as possible.

** Grab a set of light dumbbells (between 10-20 lbs). Perform a set of 15 lateral raises. Once completed, immediately complete a set of 15 front raises. Do not rest and complete a set of 15 overhead presses. Take intra-set rest as needed.




ABarbell Front Squat *484-0-1-090 sec
B1Lying Hamstring Curl3104-0-1-060 sec
B2DB Step Ups3103-0-1-060 sec
C1Leg Extensions3103-0-1-145 sec
C2Alternating Forward Lunge3103-1-1-045 sec
DDescending Squat Ladder **110-12-0-1-0-

* Perform a rest-pause for the 4th set of this exercise. Upon failure, rack the bar, rest 15 seconds and perform 2-3 more repetitions.

** Using 80% of your 10 RM squat weight, perform 10 back squats, rest 60 seconds, perform 9 back squats, rest 60 seconds, perform 8 back squats - continue this pattern all the way to 1 rep.


ABarbell Incline Bench Press *484-0-1-090 sec
B1Chin up/Lat Pull Down3103-0-1-060 sec
B2Flat Dumbbell Bench Press3103-0-1-060 sec
C1Standing Single Arm Cable Row3103-0-1-145 sec
C2Low-to-High Cable Chest Flye3103-0-1-145 sec
DBench Drop **1AMRAP2-0-1-0-

* Perform a rest-pause for the 4th set of this exercise. Upon failure, rack the bar, rest 15 seconds and perform 2-3 more repetitions.

** Load the flat barbell bench press with your 5RM using only 25lb. plates. Perform as many reps as possible until technical failure. Remove 25lb. from each side and continue. Repeat until you're just pressing the bar. [Lighter lifters may replace the 25lb. plates with 10lb. plates.]



ADeadlift *482-0-1-090 sec
B1Dumbbell Split Squat3123-0-1-060 sec
B2Seated Good Morning3103-0-1-060 sec
C1Single Leg Romanian Deadlift3103-0-1-045 sec
C2Seated Calf Raise *3103-0-1-045 sec
DSprints445 yardsAFAP120 sec

* Perform a rest-pause for the 4th set of this exercise. Upon failure, rack the bar, rest 15 seconds and perform 2-3 more repetitions.


AHigh Pull *482-0-1-090 sec
B1Seated Overhead Press3103-0-1-060 sec
B2Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curl3103-0-1-060 sec
C1Decline EZ-Bar Tricep Extensions3103-0-1-145 sec
C2Chest-Supported Dumbbell Reverse Flye3103-0-1-145 sec
DRun-The-Rack Curls4102-0-1-0-

* Perform a rest-pause for the 4th set of this exercise. Upon failure, rack the bar, rest 15 seconds and perform 2-3 more repetitions.

** Grab a set of dumbbells that will allow you to perform 10 bicep curls. After you're completed, drop the weight by 30% and complete 10 reps. Repeat this pattern for 4 sets.




ABarbell Back Squat *56 *4-0-1-0120 sec
B1Leg Press **484-0-1-075 sec
B2DB Step Ups48/s3-0-1-075 sec
C1Leg Extensions383-0-1-160 sec
C2Single Leg Hamstring Curl38/s4-1-1-060 sec
DPrisoner Jump Squats ***1502-0-x-0-

* After the last set rest 2 minutes. Add 10-20% more to the bar and perform a negative-only by lowering the bar to the safety pins which should be set to the bottom position of your squat depth. [Do not complete the lifting portion of the movement] Rerack the bar and repeat for 1 more negative-only rep. Keep in mind, this is an advanced movement and should only be performed by individuals with a solid base of training knowledge and experience.

** Perform with feet low and narrow on the platform.

*** Place your hands about your head and lower yourself into a squat position, then explosively jump off the floor. Rest as needed, but the goal is to complete as many reps as possible with as little rest as possible.


ABarbell Low Incline Bench Press *564-0-1-0120 sec
B1Bent-Over Supinating DB Row **483-0-1-075 sec
B2Decline DB Bench Press483-0-1-075 sec
C1Wide Grip Lat Pull Down383-0-1-160 sec
C2High-to-Low Cable Chest Flye383-0-1-160 sec
DInverted Row ***1502-0-1-0-

* Perform a double drop set during your first set of this exercise. After your last rep of your last (5th) set, set down the bar and remove 20-30% of the load. Perform an additional 2-3 reps. Set down the bar, remove another 20% of the load, rest 15 seconds, perform another 1-2 reps.

** Grab a pair of dumbbells, unlock your knees and bend at the waist until your torso is nearly parallel to the floor. With your palms facing towards you, begin to row the weights up towards your rib cage. As you row, rotate your hands so that by the time you reach the top position your palms are facing away as they would be as the top of a curl. Reverse the movement on the lower portion of the movement.

*** Rest as needed but the goal is to complete as many reps as possible with as little rest as possible.



ATrap Bar Deadlift *562-0-1-0120 sec
B1Walking Lunge48/s3-1-1-075 sec
B2Leg Press **483-1-1-075 sec
C1Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift383-1-1-060 sec
C2Donkey Calf Raise383-1-1-060 sec
DSprints4100 yardsAFAP120 sec

* Perform a double drop set during your first set of this exercise. After your last rep of your last (5th) set, set down the bar and remove 20-30% of the load. Perform an additional 2-3 reps. Set down the bar, remove another 20% of the load, rest 15 seconds, perform another 1-2 reps.

** Perform with feet high and wide on the platform.


AWeighted Chin Up *563-0-1-0120 sec
B1Standing Arnold Press483-0-1-075 sec
B2Barbell Floor Press483-1-1-075 sec
C1Flat Dumbbell Tricep Extensions383-0-1-160 sec
C2EZ-Bar 'Perfect Curl' **383-0-1-160 sec
DTrcep Cable Press Downs ***1502-0-1-0-

* Perform a rest-pause for the 4th set of this exercise. Upon failure, rack the bar, rest 15 seconds and perform 2-3 more repetitions.

** Grab a set of dumbbells that will allow you to perform 10 bicep curls. After you're completed, drop the weight by 30% and complete 10 reps. Repeat this pattern for 4 sets.


ABarbell Back Squat3154-0-1-075 sec
B1Lying Hamstring Curl2154-0-1-060 sec
B2Walking Lunge215/s3-0-1-060 sec
C1Leg Extensions2153-0-1-160 sec
C2Seated Calf Raise215/s4-1-1-060 sec


ABarbell Bench Press3154-0-1-075 sec
B1Single Arm Bent-Over Row2153-0-1-060 sec
B2Incline DB Bench Press2153-0-1-060 sec
C1Narrow-Grip Lat Pull Down *2153-0-1-160 sec
C2Parallel Cable Chest Flye2153-0-1-160 sec

* Use shoulder-width overhand grip



ASumo Deadlift3152-0-1-075 sec
B1DB Step Ups215/s3-1-1-060 sec
B2Leg Press2153-1-1-060 sec
C1Back Extensions *2153-1-1-060 sec
C2Standing Calf Raises2153-1-1-060 sec

* Add weight if necessary


AMilitary Press3153-0-1-075 sec
B1EZ Bar Preacher Curl2153-1-1-060 sec
B2Barbell Floor Press2153-1-1-060 sec
C1Decline DB Tricep Extensions2153-0-1-160 sec
C2EZ-Bar Drag Curl2153-0-1-160 sec


Sunday, June 16, 2013


The power of suggestion:
Tell yourself that you are getting stronger and that your training is working to change your body shape or make you a better sports player. Research indicates that those with a positive training outlook and belief in what they are doing will get greater results than those who don't. Some research has even found that concerted thinking about getting stronger will make you stronger!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Pain & Gain: Dwayne Johnson And Mark Wahlberg Workout

Mark had to work reallyto get big  for the movie Pain And Gain and here we have his workout

Mark Wahlberg's Workout:

  • Day 1: Legs, Back and Biceps

  • Day 2: Chest, Shoulders and Triceps

  • Day 3: Legs and Biceps

  • Day 4: Off

  • Day 5: Off

Day 1
Legs, Back and Biceps
Dumbbell Lunge48-12
Leg Curl48-12
Bent Over Row48-12
Pull Up48-12
Barbell Curl48-12

Day 2
Chest, Shoulders and Triceps
Bench Press48-12
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press48-12
Cable Tricep Extension48-12
Seated Arnold Press48-12
Cable Crossovers48-12
Push Up3Failure

Day 3: repeat the day one workout without training your back.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Workout:

  • Monday - Shoulders

  • Tuesday - Back

  • Wednesday - Off

  • Thursday - Legs

  • Friday - Arms

  • Saturday - Chest

  • Sunday - Off

Machine Press321
Dumbbell Lateral Raise superset w/ Front Dumbbell Raise38
Cable Bent Over Reverse Flye512, 10, 8, 6, 4
Hammer Strength Shrug512, 10, 8, 6, 4
4-Way Neck Machine412

Wide Grip Lat Pull Down512, 10, 8, 6, 4
Close Grip Lat Pull Down512, 10, 8, 6, 4
One Arm Machine Row412
Hyperextension415, 15, 12, 12

Leg Press425, 20, 18, 16
Smith Machine Lunge48
Leg Curl412, 10, 8, 6
Standing Calf Raise66

Dumbbell Curl512, 10, 8, 6, 4
Machine Curl612, 10, 8, 6, 21, 21
Cable Tricep Extension512, 10, 8, 6, 20
Overhead Cable Tricep Extension412, 10, 8, 20
One Arm Reverse Grip Cable Tricep Extension215

Incline Dumbbell Press512, 10, 8, 6, 4
Dumbbell Bench Press512, 10, 8, 6, 4
Cable Crossover (super set with Push Ups)412
Push Up415

*** 21 rep sets are "bicep 21's". Perform 7 upper half reps, 7 lower half reps, and 7 full reps.

Movie trailer:

Workout Routine From Fitness Model Simeon Panda

Monday: Chest

  • 8 sets of Bench Press ranging from 20 – 1 rep

  • 8 sets of Incline Press ranging from 20 – 1 rep

  • 6 sets of Cable Fly’s low ranging from 20 – 6 rep

  • 6 sets of Cable Fly’s high ranging from 20 – 6 rep

Tuesday: Legs

  • 3 sets of Leg Extensions 20 reps

  • 8 Sets of Squats ranging from 10 – 4 reps

  • 8 Sets of Leg Press ranging from 12 – 15 reps

  • 8 Sets of Lying Leg Curl ranging from 20 – 6 reps

  • 4 Sets of Calf Presses on Leg Press Superset with Raises off the wall 20 reps

  • 4 Sets of Donkey Calf Raises Superset with Raises off the wall 20 reps

Wednesday: Back

  • 8 sets of Bent Over Row ranging from 20 – 6 reps

  • 8 sets of Lat Pull Down ranging from 20 – 6 reps

  • 8 sets of Seated Row ranging from 20 – 6 reps

  • 6 sets of Single Arm Row ranging from 10 – 6 reps

Thursday: Shoulders

  • 8 sets of Shoulder Press ranging from 20 – 6 reps

  • 8 sets of Dumbbell Lat Raises ranging from 20 – 6 reps

  • 8 sets of Front Raises ranging from 20 – 6 reps

  • 8 sets of Barbell Shrugs ranging from 20 – 6 reps

Friday: Arms

  • 8 Sets of Close Grip Bench Press ranging from 20 – 6 reps

  • 8 sets of Preacher Curls ranging from 20 – 6 reps

  • 8 sets of Pushdowns ranging from 20 – 6 reps

  • 8 sets of Hammer Curls ranging from 20 – 6 reps


  • Rest

Sunday: Legs

  • 8 Sets of Leg Extensions 20 reps

  • Dumbbell Walking Lunges 20+ Laps of the gym

  • 4 Sets of Calf Presses on Leg Press Superset with Raises off the wall 20 reps

  • 4 Sets of Donkey Calf Raises Superset with Raises off the wall 20 reps

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to Deadlift

The deadlift is one of the best full body, compound exercises that builds muscleacross the entire body and real strength. The deadlift (and its variations) is considered one of the basic foundational movements that is typically included into most comprehensive strength programs.

If you can learn and drill proper deadlift form, you will be able to progress and build serious levels of strength, without injury. But like all training, you must progress slowly. The deadlift is notorious for bad form, using too much weight and wrecking your back, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. That is the reason for this “How to Deadlift” page. I want to make sure that all lifters are informed and have the best chance at performing the movement correctly and safely.

Types of Deadlift:

  • Conventional Deadlifts

  • Sumo Deadlifts

  • Snatch Grip Deadlifts


 Moving the hands out into a snatch grip will increase the degree of hip flexion and range of motion of the lift. There is also a greater engagement of the posterior chain and grip. When the grip fails, add straps to keep the focus on the purpose of the lift, developing the core and the glutes, hamstrings and spinal erectors.

Deadlift Benefits:

- builds full body strength
- develops power
- adds muscle mass to the entire body
- develop core strength and stability of the torso
- builds confidence and mental toughness
- builds support grip strength
- helps you pick up chicks

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Super Accumulation Training By Charles Poliquin


Honestly, you don't have the balls to use the advanced training principles I'm about to outline in this article. This training method usually only works with elite, coached athletes — athletes forced into the gym and driven into the ground by a hard-driving international level coach.

The training is brutal. Your body will scream. The psychological effect is agonizing. Your mind will rebel.

You will want to quit. You will want to screw with the program to make it physically and mentally easier. Very few of you will even attempt this type of training.

That's good. Most people shouldn't even try it. It's not for them. It very likely isn't foryou. You can't handle it.

In spite of all of the above, the editors of Testosterone have talked me into writing about this type of training. But you've been warned.

That Which Does Not Kill Us...

Pierre Roy, one of my earliest mentors in weightlifting methodology, once said that unless athletes start complaining of tendonitis, they're not training hard enough. They should train until they're literally depressed, then back off.

In other words, if you're not making progress in the gym, smash yourself into the ground for two weeks — purposefully overtrain until you're mentally depressed and your body is about to shutdown — then take five days off. When you come back into the gym, you'll hit new personal bests.

Hypertrophy, for example, is an adaptation to a biological stress. If something doesn't kill you, then the more you put stress on it, the more it'll adapt. If the .22 caliber doesn't work, use a .50 caliber.

This type of training can be manipulated to work for pure strength gains, to develop hypertrophy, or to correct a weak muscle group or body part. This is the type of program I'd do if someone told me I'd make an extra two million a year if I gained 15 pounds. (I'd just hire some psychopath to drag me to the gym and make me stick to it.)
Planned Overtraining

The idea of planned overtraining isn't new. I didn't invent this; many have come to these same conclusions. Some have stumbled upon the idea by shear accident.

I call it super-accumulation training. I've done it with the national speed skating team for years and they've won a record number of medals.

Look at Hans Selye's model of the General Adaptation Syndrome. The more you train an inroad, eventually, and provided you rest long enough, the higher the peak of supercompensation. You'll feel like the walking dead at first, then like the Incredible Hulk as you recover and begin training again.

Many athletes have learned this lesson the hard way. "Fatigue masks fitness" they say. In other words, when run into the ground, you can't really see where an athlete's potential is.

This is a mistake Olympic newbies make: they train more and more closer to the Games, then perform like shit in the Olympics. But then they take a week off and go to a World Cup and set a world record. Coaches and athletes eventually learned to train really hard until three weeks before the Olympics.

A similar system has been used in Montreal for years: two weeks balls-to-the-walls, one week recovery. It's the basis of the system used by many successful National Weightlifting Teams around the world.

Can you benefit from this training style? Yes, if you can stick to it. Let's talk about why that's probably not going to happen.
"You have to be weak to be strong." Ayurvedic Medicine Paradygm

So the idea is simple: brutally train yourself into the ground for two weeks, take five days off, and come back to rebound and break your size and strength plateaus. But here's the catch: during the two weeks of loading/forced overtraining, your goal is to lose strength... then keep right on training!

When people get weaker they stop. That's a mistake on this program. You have to go until you get much weaker. You must shoot for a drop of 20% in strength. So if the weight you use for a certain exercise is 100 pounds for sets of 8, then at the end of the two weeks you should have a hard time doing sets of 8 with 80 pounds.

If you lose more than 20% that's even better. I've seen guys lose as much as 40%. Genetically skinny guys may lose more; mesomorphs may lose less.

If at the end of the two weeks you're happy and cheery, then you're a bullshit artist. You must have used the pink dumbbells for all the exercises. I've seen guys crying, asking if they could go home! If you have thoughts of going on a shooting rampage in a shopping mall because the price of beef went up, you're on the right track.

The point is, you have to be very clear that you won't quit for two weeks. You'll get to the point where every joint hurts, and you'll see your weights tank. You may start your squats with 300 pounds on Monday and by the next Friday only be able to use 240. That's when you know you're doing it right.

And so begins the physical and psychological agony. And there's more: you're going to lose muscle at first too. It's not uncommon to lose 12 to 15 pounds in the first two weeks. But during and after your off period, if you eat correctly, you'll gain that back and usually another five pounds in one shot.

A 200 pound man may go down to 185 or 187 by the end of the two weeks. Then he will slingshot past his previous best and hit 205. If he follows the program and ifhe has the testicular fortitude to accept the initial losses.

There's been some research done here in the US and in Finland that at the end of your two weeks of loading you actually have a decrease in Testosterone levels. But at the end of your period of unloading you have an increase in free Testosterone. There's a high correlation in the amount of free T you have and the amount of strength gains you make.

So, by the end of the first two weeks of this program, you will:

1) Lose strength

2) Lose muscle

3) Be chronically overtrained

4) Experience aching tendons and joints

5) Be brutally sore (and train right through it)

6) Be mentally depressed

7) Feel like killing yourself or others

If you don't experience these things at the end of two weeks, then you didn't do it right.

But let's keep our eyes on the prize here. This isn't just self-torture. If you can get through the two weeks of loading, then properly execute the five day recovery period, then you will, without a shadow of a doubt, blast though your previous strength and/or hypertrophy goals.

Your mouth will literally drop as the recovery process begins. You'll feel like your muscles are about to burst through your skin and your friends will accuse you of being on something. The rewards are indeed great... if you survive the first two weeks.
The Super-Accumulation Program

I'm not normally an advocate of total body training, but I would do it with this type of training if your main goal is hypertrophy. You'll be training nine times a week for two weeks.

What's that? You can't train six days a week and twice-a-day on three of those days? Then fuck off. This wasn't written for you.
Total Body Hypertrophy Plan

Train nine times per week:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday — Train twice per day

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning — Train once per day

Sunday — Off
Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Morning Workout

A1) Back Squat, 5 x 4-6, 40X0* tempo, rest 100 seconds

* That's four seconds down, no pause, explode up, no pause, then repeat for the next rep.

A2) Leg Curl, 5 x 4-6, 40X0 tempo, rest 100 seconds

Note: Those A1/A2 designations mean to perform one set of squats, rest, perform one set of leg curls, rest, and repeat until you get five sets. Then move to the "B" exercises.

B1) Lean-Away Chin-ups , 4010 tempo, rest 100 seconds

B2) Dips, 4010 tempo, rest 100 seconds

Evening Workout

A) Snatch Deadlift on platform, 10 x 6, 5010 tempo, resting 3 minutes between sets

B1) Seated Dumbbell Press, palms facing each other (semi-supinated), 5 x 6-8, 4010 tempo, rest 100 seconds

B2) One-Arm Dumbbell Rows, 5 x 6-8, 2011 tempo, rest 100 seconds

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings

A1) Front Squats, 5 x 4-6, 40X0 tempo, rest 100 seconds

A2) Kneeling Leg Curl 5 x 4-6, 40X0 tempo, rest 100 seconds

B1) Close-Grip Pronated Pull-ups, 5 x 6-8, 3011 tempo, rest 100 seconds

B2) Incline Dumbbell Press 5 x 6-8, 3110 tempo, rest 100 seconds
Crucial Points

• Each set goes balls to the walls!

• Not counting warm-ups, take each set to concentric failure. In other words, don't do a set of 8 with a weight you can rep to 15. Do sets of 8 with a weight you can only lift 8 times.

• If you have to decrease the weight every set to get the required number of reps, decrease the weight by no more than 5%.

• Use your normal recovery methods: pre-workout drinks, during workout drinks, post-workout Surge, beta alanine, whatever. You'll need it. Take at least 40 grams of BCAA during each workout. Yes, I said 40.

• Your appetite will go up at first during the end of the two weeks of loading, then it will begin to decrease. That's a sign of overtraining by volume. The second sign is that you'll find you can't get enough sleep. Sneak in a nap anytime you can; the more sleep the better.

• To combat deep muscle soreness, take 4-5 grams daily of the amino acid lysine. Lysine stores go down when you overtrain.

• If you choose your own exercises, remember that all the movements you use have to be "most bang for your buck" exercises. Every exercise should involve at least two joints or more. No dumbbell flyes, kickbacks, or other Men's Healthexercises done with pursed lips.

• Don't fuck with the recipe. If anything, add more training, but don't substitute dinky exercises. Don't do alternating dumbbell curls on the Bosu ball while holding a Bodyblade between your teeth.

• During the two weeks of overreaching, if you don't bother to eat two grams of protein per pound of body weight, stay home.

• Don't take Testosterone boosting supplements during the loading weeks. Youwant to train to the point of depressed Testosterone! Save the T-boosters for the five day off period.

• Don't worry about direct arm work. You'll gain plenty of arm size without direct biceps and triceps work during this program if you choose to use dips, chins, and presses.

• Now, if you want to use different exercises — back squat in the morning, heals-elevated squats at night, front squats the next day, next day after that a cyclist squat, etc. — that doesn't matter. But, week one and week two should look the same. You need to make sure of this so you'll be able to see if you got 20% weaker on those same exercises.

• Consume 30 to 45 grams of fish oil per day during the loading phase. (No need to do this during your five off days because you'll want more calories from carbs and you don't want to slow down the insulin response with the fish oil during this off/rebuilding period.)

• You have to make a contract with yourself to do the work. Reward yourself with a big dinner on the last Saturday night. Ideally, if you don't have a coach, train in a team of three partners.
5 Day Recovery Period Guidelines

• Off is off. No "recovery work." Besides, if you squat in five training sessions in three days, you think you're going to want to run around a parking lot dragging a fucking sled?

• During this five days off, you'll want to eat something every hour and a half. Alternate solids meals with liquid meals. Always start with solid.

Wake up and have a high protein breakfast — buffalo steak and berries, for example. Ninety minutes later, have the equivalent of 250 grams of Surge or a bunch of whey protein and carbohydrate powder. Add about 20 grams of glutamine into these shakes. That's 80 grams of glutamine per day during your five recovery days.

• If you don't eat and eat and eat, it's not going to work. Calories are the focus during this recovery period.

If you're not putting the weight back on, I don't have a problem with you eating some empty calories. Eat some ice cream if you want it. Five days of that isn't going to hurt you, especially considering the average American eats like that 365 days per year.

• Massage and frequency-specific microcurrent acupuncture will accelerate recovery. Ice massage is for dorks, only raises your cortisol, and doesn't do shit.

• Double-dose Alpha Male during this off period. By your third off day, you'll be hornier than a three-balled billy goat because your Testosterone levels will be shooting through the ceiling.

• Once you start overeating, your joints and tendons will begin to feel better. In this five day phase, your whole demeanor and physique will change. You'll feel like the Incredible Hulk!
Back To The Gym

You trained to near-death for two weeks, then took five days off. Now what?

After your off period, go to the gym and do your Monday morning workout from the loading phase. Take a day off. Then do Tuesday's workout. Your goal here is to evaluate your progress. Prepare yourself to see some major gains. After that, you can start the cycle all over again if you choose.
Bringing Out the Big Guns

In weightlifting circles, they look for you to walk in looking like a zombie. That's when they know it's time for you to take off. No zombie look? Then you're not training hard enough and you need to train more, then rest.

I did a strength training version of this program once for the Olympic luge team. The coach said he had to cut some members of the team because the Olympic gravy train money was over. I told him that after three weeks I'd tell him who on the team had the balls to be a champion.

I walked into the starting house three weeks later and saw five members of the team in one corner looking like someone had shot their dogs. They looked depressed, some were drooling, some had tremors. I told the coach to keep those guys and cut the rest. The other members of the team were up and laughing on the other side of the room. They clearly hadn't followed the program.

So he kept the depressed guys and cut the rest, right then and there. (Germans don't fuck around.)

The zombies took their five days off. After that, one member of the team, who only weighed 172 pounds, came back and did three wide grip pull-ups with 120 pounds of added weight. He went on to set an Olympic record in the start.

Like those athletes, you gotta train when you're weak. You have to push yourself, both physically and mentally, to reap the massive benefits of this type of training. If you want to blast through your training plateaus, you have to pull out the big guns. And this program is the biggest gun in my arsenal.

The question is, are you man enough to pull the trigger?
About the Author

Coach Poliquin has been hailed as the most successful strength coach in the world. He has spent years researching European journals (he's fluent in English, French and German) and speaking to other coaches and scientists in his quest to optimize training methods. He has perfected the art of writing routines that produce results, and his books and courses are the culmination of his theories and knowledge. For more info, visit

Monday, June 10, 2013

Eat, Fast & Live Longer (Documentary)

Eat, Fast & Live Longer HD by limoslight

Intermittent Fasting And high intensity fitness boost HGH

(NaturalNews) The human body was designed very efficiently for times of scarcity and stress. Food scarcity was a common reality and the body has developed specific pathways to be very efficient in times of fasting. In times of stress, for survival purposes we adapted a fight or flight mode that forces us to work our bodies at a very high-intensity for a relatively short period of time. The combination of intermittent fasting and high intensity exercise promotes hormones that improve tissue healing and metabolic processes.

Our long-ago ancestors had to struggle daily for adequate food sources. They most often grazed on wild berries, herbs, raw nuts and seeds as they foraged through the woods during the day. At night, they would relax with the latest kill eating most-often a high protein, high fat meal. This sort of diet was dependent upon the success of their hunting endeavors. Fasting was a regular way of life for our ancestors. This is evident with the positive adaptations the body goes through during the fasting periods.

Fasting allows our body to go into a catabolic (tissue breakdown) period without promoting inflammatory conditions. This enables the bodily resources to eliminate older, damaged cells and replace them with stronger cellular components.

High intensity movement is a way of life

High intensity exercise was a necessity of life for our ancestors as they chased down and killed animals for food. Many cultures battled with other cultures regularly. The fight or flight lifestyle was quite evident and it was almost always at 90-100% of maximal intensity. Anything less than this could quite often lead to death or starvation.

This way of life led to a lean and incredibly strong body. Most men had body fat under 10% while women typically ranged between 10-20%. They were also able to produce incredible muscular forces to overcome obstacles with their battle-trained bodies.

To have high-quality of life in the 21st century, we must understand and work in harmony with our bodies' primitive past. Intermittent fasting and high-intensity, short durational exercise are genetic requirements that help our bodies thrive, adapt and evolve with better survival characteristics. This includes a strong fit muscular system, a titanium immune system and an efficient digestive tract.

Fasting and fitness boost human growth hormone

Intermittent fasting for periods ranging from 12-24 hours along with high intensity exercise has a positive effect on boosting human growth hormone (HGH). HGH is a very important protein-based hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland. HGH enhances the cellular repair processes that allow us to age with grace. HGH regulates metabolism to burn fat, build muscle, and slow down the negative effects of stress.

Researchers at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute found that men who had fasted for 24 hours had a 2000% increase in circulating HGH. Women who were tested had a 1300% increase in HGH.

A 2009 study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine showed that lactic acid accumulation helps to trigger HGH. Lactic acid is only produced in response to intense anaerobic training. Aerobic training is not intense enough to produce the kind of lactate triggering of HGH.

Low-intensity, long duration aerobic training is catabolic in nature. This means that it produces lots of free radicals without promoting significant amounts of repair peptides, enzymes and hormones. The net effect is a wearing down of bodily resources.

High-intensity training also produces free radicals but it triggers an abundance of repair peptides, enzymes and hormones to be released. The net effect of this is healthy tissue repair and favorable effects on body composition and anti-aging qualities.

Sources for this article include:
Godfrey RJ, Whyte GP, Buckley J, Quinlivan R. The role of lactate in the exercise-induced human growth hormone response: evidence from McArdle disease. Br J Sports Med, 2009 Jul:43(7):521-5

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